Yesterday, I picked up a copy of Who Took My Money by Robert Kiyosaki that I had checked out from the library. Kiyosaki relates an experience he had with this “rich dad” visiting a cattle ranch and then visiting a dairy farm.
He says, “The financial lesson rich dad wanted us to learn was that while both the cattle rancher and the dairy farmer count their cattle as assets, they treat their assets differently and they operate via different business models.
“The visits to the ranch and the farm were to emphasize the very important difference between:
Capital Gains
Cash Flow
“Simply put, a cattle rancher can be compared to a person who invests for capital gains. A dairy farmer is more like an investor who invests for cash flow.
“One of the reasons so many people lose so much money investing or think that investing is risky is because they invest like ranchers. They invest to slaughter rather than to milk.” (emphasis mine)
I LOVE Kiyosaki’s books. Never have I taken such an interest in all-things financial. I took a personal finance class in college because I knew I was clueless and needed help. Now I’m reading books written by wealthy entrepreneurs and learning the ropes from a different angle. When you check out books from the library (and actually read them), a huge part of your financial education is free.
Three things I woke up thinking about this morning:
An investment in CTCV is like dairy farming:
1) You put in $977 and pay a low monthly fee (the Voyageur package has been reduced by $500 for a limited time!)
2) You receive an $1800 credit toward three week-long vacations and a $300 cash-back rebate after your first vacation (that, alone, is worth the initial investment)
3) You generate cash flow simply by sharing the investment opportunity with others.
Let’s say that you only have three people join you in a year. That means you have recovered your investment, your monthly fees, and you’ve made at least $500 in profit. Now, if your third person introduces two people to what CTCV has to offer, you’ve just made another $1477. On top of that, you’ve saved thousands on your travel.
I have to admit, I like financial dairy farming. This type of investing is really fun for me. It means that I have to know what I’m doing (fortunately for me, I LOVE learning), and it may take a little longer to see a significant stream of income, but taking care of my assets as a dairy farmer takes care of his cows lines up with my values. I’ve never been into “fatten ’em up quick and cash in on the slaughter,” which is why I’m really enjoying reading Kiyosaki and others who use the dairy farm approach.
Call into one of our live conference calls to find out how you can invest long-term and reap a significant return!

1-712-421-8859, PIN 545454#
Monday- 1pm EST, 8pm EST and 11pm EST
Tuesday- 1pm EST, 8pm EST
Wednesday- 1pm EST, 8pm EST and 11pm EST
Thursday- 1pm EST, 8pm EST
Friday- 1pm EST
Saturday- 11am EST
Sunday- 10pm EST
24/7 Sizzle Call: 618-355-1490

Or check out the videos on my website: http://ltodd.cruisetocash.com and join free to see what CTCV has to offer!

Lori Todd

(615) 496-8079


“Working toward living on 10% and giving away 90%”

Love to Travel?

With Cruise to Cash Vacations, you can literally vacation your way to wealth!
If you’ve ever wondered what Cruise to Cash Vacations is all about  . . .

You will see what sets us apart TOMORROW NIGHT when you join the webinar (online seminar):

Our Travel Center beats Orbitz, Expedia, and Travelocity 9 out of 10 times with price and ease of use. We’ll prove it live on the webinar!
When you look for Condos on those other websites, lo and behold, they aren’t there! And we have over two-million weeks of condos and resorts!
Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity? None of those other guys pay you anything when you use them!
What Concierge service means: hear story after story of real life examples of huge savings, extra service that comes with the Cruise to Cash Vacations Concierge Team standing behind our private membership, and the money people are making and saving.
How our Exclusive Concierge Cards work to make you money.
Plus Q and A with Tod and Mike from CTCV and David from Hemisphere, our travel partner.
If you LOVE to travel and would LOVE to earn cash rewards just for taking trips, you’ll want to be on this webinar!
Space is limited and once filled, no one can get in!
Get there early with your guests!
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Title: CTCV Rocks! Come and See!

Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Time: 10:00 PM – 11:59 PM EST

Looking forward to meeting you there!

You are invited to join us every Third Thursday in Franklin, TN, for a Cruise to Cash Vacations Business Presentation!

Bring a guest and join us at 6:30 p.m. for complimentary desserts and a fabulous evening!

DIRECTIONS to South Winds Club House
The address is 549 South Winds Blvd., Franklin TN 37064
Major cross-streets are Hwy 96 and Royal Oaks.
Coming from Nashville, go South on I-65 and EXIT #65/Murfreesboro Rd/Hwy 96.
Turn Right (West), go to the 3rd light, South Winds Blvd and turn Left (TOYOTA Dealership on corner).
The Clubhouse will be on the left just after the white fence (South Wind Apts.)
Pull in where the flags are and turn right immediately into the Clubhouse parking.
Enter front double doors of the building and go up the stairs immediately to the right.
We’ll be in the room at the top of stairs on the right.
Call (615) 496-8079 if you get turned around or need help.

I can’t wait to see everyone this Thursday at 549 South Winds Clubhouse in Franklin at 6:30 p.m. for our CTCV Business Presentation!

We will get started promptly at 7:00 (after mingling for 30 minutes) and end at 8:00. Of course, we’ll stick around and answer questions after 8:00.

Put this meeting on your calendar and invite your prospects! Why? READ the testimonies below!

100% of the business presentations we’ve held have resulted in the addition of new team members! And . . .

Tod Bell, the co-founder of Cruise to Cash Vacations, recently told me about two men who built their businesses the “old school” way–doing presenations in homes, at schools, in hotels . . .

One man has 8,000 people in his downline. The other, his best friend, has 13,000. Both men are coming over from another travel business. Why? Because if they had gotten started with CTCV instead, they would be multi-millionaires by now! They recognize a good thing when they see it!

8,000 and 13,000. That’s a LOT of members! That’s a lot of meetings! And the Nashville team will be hosting two per month so you will always have a place to bring your prospects so they can hear about the business and get started right away.

See you this Thursday, October 16, at 6:30 p.m.!

Lori and James Todd . . . married nine years on October 7 and still in love!

Lori Todd and David Durham, the Nashville Team Leaders that paid members hear on the Cruise to Cash Vacations BYOB (Build Your Own Business) training calls!

“Lori in Nashville” and “Dawud in New Jersey,” your Cruise to Cash Vacations “Meet the Crew” call host and presenter on Wednesday nights at 11:00 EST!

Posted by Picasa“Shannon from New Hampshire” and “Lori from Nashville,” your Cruise to Cash Vacations “Meet the Crew” call host and presenter on Tuesday nights at 8:00 EST!
Want to tune in to one of our “Meet the Crew” calls and hear us in action?
Dial 1-605-475-6910. Then, enter this passcode: 190241#
Monday–Thursday at 1, 8, & 11 PM (EST)

Bahama Pics, Part 1

Guess who just returned from a relaxing weekend in the Bahamas? You guessed it. ME!

I had such a wonderful time that I had to share it with you in pictures:
Click HERE to see my Facebook album or HERE for my Picasa album.
These are just some of the highlights from our trip!

On our way to the Full Sail Getaway Banquet . . . with second honeymoon smiles! We left the kids with good friends and enjoyed a second honeymoon since our nine year anniversary is coming up on October 7. What a way to celebrate!

Lori Todd, Connie Shaw, and Cathy Heiser . . . founders of the Nashville Team Hot Wives Club!

The Fabulous Nashville Team on the Grand Bahamas Island enjoying an all-inclusive resort and team training. The PERFECT way to vacation–with tax write-offs! Woo Hoo!

Lori Todd with Tod Bell and Mike Churchill, the co-founders of Cruise to Cash Vacations.

This trip was my second Full Sail Getaway with my business, Cruise to Cash Vacations, which is more of an exclusive travel membership with business perks. We had 92 in our group on the Grand Bahama Island at the Viva Wyndham, an all-inclusive resort (I could get used “all-inclusive” pretty quickly).

We met people from all over the world, played all day in the ocean with the little fishes who nipped at us every now and then. The water was crystal clear. We could see all the way down to our feet!

We danced all night with our new friends, we watched a scaled-down version of Cirque de Soleil as trapeze artists performed stunts and acrobatics right before our eyes, and we got to write off our trip as a tax-deduction! Woo Hoo! Traveling on business is the only way to vacation!

Want to join us on the next Full Sail Getaway? Go HERE now and sign up at a discounted rate! Cruise to Cash Vacations is the BEST private travel club on the planet!

If you want to become a master gardener, to whom do you turn? A master gardener, right?
What if your dream is to become a nurse? A teacher? An engineer? A chef?

Well, if you want to become a millionaire, may I suggest that you study other millionaires? Begin reading their books. Find out what they have to say about building wealth. Then, put their advice into action. Better yet, link arms with other like-minded entrepreneurial, business-minded, wealth-builders. Learn together. Grow together. Find freedom–together.

May I share a couple quotes with you from self-made millionaires? The first is from Robert Kiyosaki; the second, T. Harv Eker.

“When I speak to adults who want to earn more money, I always recommend the same thing. I suggest taking a long view of their life. Instead of simply working for the money and security, which I admit are important, I suggest they take a second job that will teach them a second skill. Often I recommend joining a network marketing company, also called multilevel marketing, if they want to learn sales skills. Some of these companies have excellent training programs that help people get over their fear of failure and rejection, which are the main reasons people are unsuccessful. Education is more valuable than money, in the long run.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki in Rich Dad Poor Dad, p. 138.

“Personally, I believe just about everyone should own their own business, be it full-time or part-time. The first reason is that by far, the vast majority of millionaires became rich by being in their own business. . . . If it resonates with you, network marketing can be a dynamite vehicle for wealth. But, and this is a big but, don’t think for a minute that you’re going to get a free ride. Network marketing will only work if you do. It will take training, time, and energy to succeed. But if you do, incomes in the range of $20,000 to $50,000 per month–that’s right, per month–are not uncommon. In any case, just signing up and becoming a part-time distributor will give you some excellent tax advantages, and who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy the product enough to offer it to others and end up making a nice income to boot.” ~ T. Harv Eker in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, pp. 127-128.

Did you know that “The rich buy assets. The poor only have expenses. The middle class buys liabilities they think are assets.” Again, that’s from Robert Kiyosaki in Rich Dad Poor Dad. Did you know that “Cruise to Cash Vacations” is an asset? Did you know that it produces five income streams and monthly residual income? Did you know that you can join free, kick the tires, take a free test cruise, and make an educated decision based on facts instead of opinions?

Join free today by clicking HERE and find out how you can start your journey toward financial and time freedom. Begin living your dreams today, before you turn around and your life has passed you by. In fact, let’s journey together.

Lori Todd
(615) 496-8079
“Working toward living on 10% and giving away 90%”

My Business

My Websites

My Blogs

“Life’s most urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This morning, I woke up writing in my head. I have a dozen thoughts bouncing around that I want to get out. This is a continuation of my last post.

Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad” told him never to say, “I can’t afford it.” Rather he said, ask yourself, “How can I afford it?” The first statement shut down all thinking. The question, however, opened up his mind for further thought. Rich Dad wanted Robert to get his brain working–all the time.

Kiyosaki implores his readers to take control of their spending–to harness that power instead of letting it control them. He goes so far as to say that if they have trouble with this to join the military or some religious order to gain more self-control.

In my opinion, that’s what fasting is all about. It’s a gift from God to us to help us gain self-control, which is a fruit of the Spirit. Want a personal example? I asked the Lord what I should fast in 2000 since I was having major blood-sugar issues and didn’t feel as though I could fast any meals. When I sensed him asking me to fast make-up, I was shocked. I knew that was an area in which I was in bondage. I just didn’t expect Him to call me on it.

I did it. I fasted make-up. And it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Today, I can take it or leave it. I can leave the house in a hurry if Ineed to or I can take my time and get all made-up and feel great either way. I learned that people weren’t going to treat me any differently based on whether my face was made up or bare.

It’s amazing to me how much we think we have to have, but when we’re able to lay it down, how little we actually need.

Several weeks ago, I overheard a lady at the Turnip Truck Farmers’ Market say that hot dogs triggered migraine headaches for her, but when she absolutely had to have one, she made sure that she didn’t have anything else to that night so she could lie in the dark and endure her headache.

Why on earth someone would endure a migraine headache for a hot dog is beyond me. I think it goes back to self control or the lack of it. Somehow, we detach (as a culture) from the consequences of our choices–especially if they could do us harm long-term.

Dani Johnson says, “Options are a disease.” She says that we can all get out of debt without increasing our income–that debt is a habit and that you can be filthy rich and still be a slave to debt. I need to write a separate blog post about it since it’s SO meaty.

During my “First Steps to Success” seminar, Dani Johnson asked us to weigh everything by “Ego or Bank Account.” Kiyosaki encourages us to ask, “Liability or Asset?” Taking it to the next level, we could wonder, “Eternity or Temporal?” A friend’s blog has a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Life’s most urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”

 Have you ever read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad? It was recommended to me by David Durham, who married us nearly nine years ago. I listened to the audio version on Saturday and it completely rocked my world. Judah even wanted to listen to it on the way home Sunday night. He asked from his carseat, “Mommy, can we listen to Rich Dad Poor Dad?” (By the way, after he learned how to give a shoulder massage tonight, he suggested that he give Miriam a baby massage. He said, “Mommy, I give good baby massages. They cost $100. You need to pay me $100.” The kids’ gonna be filthy rich. Just you wait.)
Whereas The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker was more of a financial sozo for me, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki is more of a mind-broadener. Eker helped me shed old systems of thinking about money that were not beneficial while Kiyosaki is helping me to look at finances and financial terms in a whole new light.
Kiyosaki explains complicated terms in ways that a nine-year-old can understand since he started learning about how to become rich from his best friend’s dad (Rich Dad) when he was nine.
His simple definitions of assets and liabilities:
“assets” put money in your pocket while “liabilities” take money out of your pocket.
Your biggest liability is your home. It’s not an asset. Controversial, I know. But I seem to be drawn to that kind of thing.
His explanation of the poor, middle class, and rich (paraphrased, of course):
the poor earn their money (usually by the hour); the middle class spend their money (their spending keeps up with their earning–they make more so they spend more = “the rat race”); the “upper” class invests their money (focusing on their assets and how to grow them rather than focusing on their wages or salary and how to raise them to buy more stuff–they buy assets, not liabilities).
Instead of “we need to make more money so we can have a bigger house or better car,” he recommends beginning with a simple investment portfolio that gradually builds, creating wealth that is completely independent of your salary. Buy assets not liabilities, he says. Sage advice. A bit sad that it’s the first time I’ve ever received it, and I’m 33 years old with a college education.
His definition of wealth: how long you can live on your income stream (money you have coming in) if you were to lose your job today.
Kiyosaki’s “Poor Dad” taught him to work hard in school so that he could get a good job with a solid corporation. His “Rich Dad” taught him to be a student of financial matters so he could own a solid corporation.
His “Poor Dad” told him to climb the corporate ladder. His “Rich Dad” laughed, “Why not own the ladder?”
Kiyosaki was forced to think about both perspectives. His “Rich Dad” told him that his brain was his greatest asset and to continually renew it. Kiyosaki, now a multi-millionaire, is a student of billionaires. He follows those who are walking ahead of him financially, as am I.
“Rich Dad” taught him the importance of generosity, which he says is one of the most important things we can understand. “Poor Dad” usually didn’t have anything left over for giving. May I suggest that having “just enough to get by” is entirely selfish? If you don’t have abundance from which to give, you are supporting only yourself (and perhaps not very well), which is about as selfish as you can get. It’s all about a shift in thinking. And it can happen in an instant.
I remembered today that when I was just a little girl, I led a blind cow into the woods and tried to make him run. He wouldn’t budge. Instead, he was led to slaughter. I watched Fight Club with James last night (I don’t recommend it–I seriously could have done without the p*rn*graphic scene and the graphic violence). Despite the crap, I got the social commentary. I understood why the main character wanted to liberate himself and others from materialism and commercialism and mediocrity . . . why he chose a life of simplicity, free from all material possessions after being a slave to his spending. It’s liberating to be free from the effects of slick advertising and saturation marketing.

At least three of the people I met at the Dani Johnson seminar in Pittsburgh had been homeless at one time in their lives. They had hit rock bottom. They knew from personal experience how little they needed to get by. They were free from the snares of materialism. That doesn’t mean that they never bought anything, but instead of their purchasing power controlling them, they controlled their purchasing power. They were no longer a slave to commercialism. It’s something I continually fight. I don’t subscribe to magazines or go to malls on purpose. I don’t watch TV or keep up with the latest fashions and designers on purpose. I was shocked to find out how much a simple wallet or purse can cost when I went to Chicago with my friend Lisa. I honestly had no idea that “Coach” meant hundreds to thousands of dollars for a simple accessory. Wow.

I have so many experiences that I believe have led me to the point where I am now. One that comes to mind happened while I was selling cars at James Corlew Chevrolet in Clarskville. A professor from APSU wanted to lease a Corvette. He submitted his financial application and I couldn’t believe how much money he made–not from teaching (a mere $50,000 a year) but from investments (well over $10,000 a month). His assets paid for his fancy car, not his teacher’s salary.
I also took a personal finance class while in college. I can’t say that I got much out of it, but it definitely shows that I had a desire to learn. I’m now the student of T. Harv Eker, Robert Kiyosaki, Dani Johnson, Tom Challan, Tod Bell, and other millionaires whose advice I’m not only listening to or reading, but I’m also FOLLOWING.
I told Tod tonight that I feel like we have the best thing going. And I really do. After listening to Dani Johnson and Tom Challan in Pittsburgh, reading T. Harv Eker, and listening to Robert Kiyosaki on Saturday, I’ve put my business up to their standards, and it gets an A+ all the way around.
My business, which was co-founded by Tod Bell and Mike Churchill (whose lawyer, by the way, is Kiyosaki’s lawyer), creates multiple streams of income. It provides excellent training. It continues to produce wealth even if I’m not present. It’s replicable. It’s something I’m passionate about. It’s fun and easy to share. It’s helping me build wealth. It’s an asset in the strictest sense of the word. And it’s making it possible for me to file as an LLC, which means that I will have amazing tax benefits.
I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to invest in this business. In my first two months of working the business and an inital investment of nearly $2,000, I have cleared nearly $6,000. Well over $1,000 of that has come from a single member of my team. Where else can you invest $2,000 and get back $4,000 in less than two months? I also have an $1,800 condo card that will provide me $300 cash back and $600 in vacation discounts over my next three vacations. I have a $79 hotel card that saves us hundreds on our hotel stays and includes a free weekend getaway. In addition to the condo card and the hotel card, I have a $149 cruise card that comes with a free cruise. ALL of this came with my membership fee of $1,477. And, this is the part that really excites me, every time I share the membership perks with others and they decide to join, I make a huge commission on the membership fee.
I’m on track to make six-figures this year working part-time from home. At the same time that I’m working this business, I’m also teaching part-time, I’m going to be in the next Oracle Production, I volunteer with my church coordinating meals, I manage a household, I care for two small children, and I devote time to my husband and my Lord. If I can do it, you can do it.
There’s an info session this Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Franklin. We’re meeting at the SouthWinds Apartments Clubhouse for a short business presentation and free dessert. If you can’t make it and want to find out more, call me or send me an e-mail. I’d really love to see as many people as possible become financially free this year–or at least take steps in that direction!
Lori Todd
(615) 496-8079
Yep, I’m “Lori in Nashville” with Cruise to Cash Vacations

These are the 62 people who paid off $3.5 million worth of debt in 33 months.


Did you know that there is a growing group of people that is paying off massive amounts of debt in record time?
A couple months ago, I attended a “First Steps to Success” business-building seminar with Dani Johnson in Pittsburgh where I heard testimonies from 62 people. Each person had an amazing story to tell. Many of them had eliminated thoundands of dollars worth of debt in just a few months!  
62 people eliminated a total of $3.5 million in debt in less than two years.
On average, $57,850 worth of debt was paid off by 62 people in eight months.
That’s a lot of debt for such a small group! Do you know what that means for the rest of our country? We are a country with a $33 trillion debt, which means we are owned by someone else since “the borrower is slave to the lender.”
Are you financially free? Do you owe someone else thousands? What will you leave your children as an inheritance?
If you want to be among the growing group of people who are quickly becoming debt-free and financially free, join me this Thursday, September 18, in Franklin, TN, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m..
The address is 549 South Winds Blvd., Franklin TN 37064Major cross-streets are Hwy 96 and Royal Oaks.
Coming from Nashville, go South on I-65 and EXIT  #65/Murfreesboro Rd/Hwy 96.
Turn Right (West), go to the 3rd light, South Winds Blvd, and turn Left (TOYOTA Dealership on corner).
The Clubhouse will be on the left just after the white fence (South Wind Apts.)
Pull in where the flags are and turn right immediately into the Clubhouse parking.
Enter front double doors of the building and go up the stairs immediately to the right.
We’ll be in the room at the top of stairs on the right.
My cell # is  (615) 496-8079  if you get turned around and need help.
I can’t wait to see everyone this Thursday, 9/18, at 549 South Winds Clubhouse in Franklin at 6:30 p.m.!
Here’s to eliminating debt and becoming financially free–together!
Lori Todd
 (615) 496-8079 